201111 Convento de Cristo ~ The Completion
11.11.2020 - 11.11.2020
On 200923 I had this unshakeable desire to get to the REAL reason why I was in Portugal. How I got to be here was absolutely Divinely Orchestrated from that first WhatsApp message from my friend in Holland, Rosa, asking me if I would be prepared to come to Europe for about 6 weeks to take care of her post op. That was back in Nov 2019. I felt a deep stirring in my Spirit, but I was very happy comfortable and settled into my new home, after a number of years of nomadic life (apparently this is what I do, and did as an Apostle, but that's another story!)
After prayerful consideration, I said yes! A desire to come back to Europe had been with me for a while, but the means to do it had not manifested, until this! So on 22 Jan 2020 I landed in Amsterdam (via Rome). I knew I would take advantage of being here to visit friends in France and Spain and then take about 6 weeks to be with soul tribe in Portugal, knowing I would probably extend my visa for 3 months. My goodness!!! Did the plandemic take care of that! I am on a visa that has been extended to Feb 2021 and I crossed the Spanish border, by train, 4 hours before they went into lockdown on 16 March. More Divine, one could not ask!
So back to the WHY PORTUGAL from September! Spirit guided me to research, both in my own journalling, recent Missions and research I had done over the last few years, mostly to do with our Multi~dimensional BEingness, Multiverses and Soul Mission. I had reams of documents, and slowly started connecting more and more dots. And then I had an massive light bulb go on 5 November, receiving a directive to be in Tomar for our 11:11 Mission, completing what I had started a the Convento de Cristo in Sep 2010. I was not as consciously aware of my Soul's Mission and who I truly BE back then, although I had a most epiphanic journey, connecting with other members of my Star Family who took me to these places in Portugal. When I was in the Convento yesterday, I had a flashback to when Helene and I were sitting in one of the small cloisters. She said to me "Just be! Just feel it. Feel the energies!"
Now with the wisdom and understanding that has come to me over the past 10 years, I had THE most glorious 4 hours at the site. So many flashbacks of 2010, as well as past lives as a Templar of the Ordem dos Cavaleiros de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, as one of those at the Crucifixion and more.
I share here with my beloved Dragon & LionHeart family, the photos and videos I took yesterday. I will record my specific experiences around the activation in a voice note or PDF on Telegram. It was an A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. experience and I am so very blessed and honoured to be with you all. Thank you Susan for bringing this Divine Mission in for us. Hope you all enjoy the walk through Convento de Cristo with me! Much gratitude!!
Posted by Gypsy Lee 06:34 Archived in Portugal Comments (0)